Fifth Device: To present God as made up only of mercy. Satan says, " You don't need to make a big deal of sin, because God delights in showing mercy. He is more ready to pardon than punish his people so why trouble yourself over a little sin?"
First Remedy: Consider that the worst judgment God can render is to let us sin with impunity. It is an unhappy state when God leaves a man to himself and does not convict him of his sins. When the road to hell becomes smooth and pleasant, it is a dreadful sign of God's indignation against a man. A soul given up to sin is a soul that is ripe for hell. As Brooks says, "Ah Lord! This mercy I humbly beg, that whatever thou givest me up to, thou will not give up to the ways of my own heart; if thou will give me up to be afflicted, or tempted, or reproached, I will patiently sit down and say, 'It is the Lord; let him do with me what seems good in his own eyes.' Do anything with me, lay what burden thou wilt upon me so thou dost not give me up to the ways of my own heart."
Second Remedy: Remember God's justice as well as His mercy. Though the Scriptures speak of God's mercy, they also speak of His justice. Read of how he cast rebellious angels out of heaven (2 Peter 2:4), or how he banished Adam and Eve from paradise. Remember how he flooded the earth for its wickedness and rained destruction upon Sodom. Above all, see his justice poured out on His own Son as he bore the sins of the people (Matt. 27:46).
Third Remedy: Consider that sins against mercy will bring the worst judgments. When mercy is despised, then justice takes the throne. God is like a prince that first sends heralds to a rebellious city with white flags of mercy; if this wins men, then they are blessed forever, but if they spurn mercy, he sends his armies of justice and judgment.
Fourth Remedy: Consider that although God's general mercy is over all his works, His special mercy is confined to those who are divinely qualified (Exodus 34:6-7; Exodus 20:6; Psalm 25:10; Psalm 32:10; Psalm 33:18; Psalm 103:11). Yes, God is merciful, but that mercy is displayed toward those that fear Him, trust Him, hope in Him, love Him and keep His commandments. Can you say that this is true of you?
Fifth Remedy: Consider that those that were once glorious on earth, and are now triumphing in heaven, looked upon the mercy of God as the most powerful argument to keep them from sin and not an an encouragement to sin. Consider how Joseph was strengthened against temptation (Genesis 39:9). His eye was fixed upon mercy and therefore sin could not enter his heart. Hear the words of Paul (Romans 6:1-2). There is nothing in the world that renders a man more unlike a saint, and more like Satan, than to argue for sinful liberty because God is merciful. This is the devil's logic and in whomever you find it, you can consider that man lost.
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